@@Miracle Experiences of Painless and Easy Childbirth

My husband and I began to discuss having a second child last May, when our eldest daughter, Kyoko turned two. Then around mid-August after participating in the Festival for Departed Souls, I found out I was pregnant and began to pray to Kyososama for an easy childbirth. During pregnancy, I was able to live with a peaceful mind, having light morning sicknesses and receiving many help from my surroundings.

I worried about GBS (Group B Strep Infection) this time, because I tested positive during my pregnancy with our eldest daughter. If the baby were to get infected with this bacterium, there is a possibility it could turn into bacterial meningitis or sepsis. However, thanks to Kyososamafs Divine Power, GBS changed to negative without the use of medicine.

On April 20th, I was doing the usual house chores. When my husband returned home in the evening, I told him my labor pains intervals were becoming shorter, so he contacted the mid wife. I put on my Shinreikyo Jacket, and my mother in law came running to our home and began chanting the Holy Word.

As I began to feel contractions, I gave birth to my son, Kouki at 3690 grams on April 21st, 1:45AM. It was only 5 minutes after my water broke. I recovered quickly after childbirth and Kouki is growing up healthy drinking lots of breast milk. I am thankful for this wonderful blessing.